never judge a book by the cover

I was on fb the other day and my cousin, who is supposed to be very religious, was ranting about how this child in the store was being verbally abusive to his mother and how she would have loved to "throat punch" this little 3 year old.

It got me to thinking about how my children all acted towards me because that is what they seen with their dad. How they would get away with murder and tell me what they were and weren't going to do.

I replied to her horrific post by saying " You don't know what that child see's at home, you have no idea if that is an abusive situation and that is what the lady goes through and that is what she has to put up with or get punished. I know that is how it was in my home when I was with my Oh so perfect ex."

The funny part is she had nothing else to say to that. I just wonder how many of us get judged by people who don't even know us, or how we are treated. While I am in a good relationship now, how many people out there had seen me and judged me on how my kids acted. I don't judge people because I don't know their personal journey, everyone's different.

I hope you all are safe and having a wonderful day

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! Exactly! It is hard to know what goes one behind closed doors. I can't begin to tell you how many Moms I have asked if I could hug because they looked stressed out. I tell them it will get better. They appreciate it. I love your last line- "I don't judge people because I don't know their personal journey, everyone's different."

    BIG HUGS and Warm fuzzies!
