In wake of what happened in CT on Friday I hugged my children a little tighter, all weekend. I was so scared to send them to school this morning. I wish I had the means to home school them but I just can't right now. I don't know how the parents feel, and I hope I never do, but I have been thinking of them all weekend and I will probably be thinking of them for a long time.
I know this isn't the first school shooting and sadly it probably won't be the last, but this one effected me like ones before it never could. I have school aged kids now and they are my life. I could not imagine someone coming in and taking them away from me. My heart breaks at just the thought of it. I don't know what is wrong with people anymore and I am scared of what each new day could bring.
I am sending all my love and thoughts to the families who were effected by the Ct school shooting.
That lows